Planting for the Planet, One Product at a Time

Planting for the Planet, One Product at a Time

Amy Whitworth

As moms and dads, we all share one common trait: we are helpers. 


Helping is at our core. We help tie shoelaces, we help reach books on the shelf, we help steady our little bike riders. We help wipe spaghetti-faces and patch scraped up knees. We help with wheelchairs and hugs and snacks and bedtime stories. Helping our family makes us feel good. When our kids are upset, the first thing we do is ask ourselves: 


How can I help?


Such a simple question, right? With a HUGE weight. Sometimes our desperate wonder of how we can help is too overwhelming, and this keeps us up at night! How can I help my family stay happy and healthy? How can I help the planet and do no harm? Can I do both?! Is it even possible? WHO WILL HELP ME FIGURE THIS OUT?!?! WHAT IS THE FATE OF THE UNIVERSE?!?! I NEED A SNACK!


(Tip: snacks are always helpful when overwhelmed by all the helping)


Andy Pandy was founded on doing both: made with love for our children AND our planet. And it’s parents like you who have made us a company committed to helping our babies and the wonderful wild world they live in. Without your help, we wouldn't be here! And there’s still so much more help to be done! 


We are so excited to announce our partnership with The Eden Reforestation Projects, a non-profit organization committed to helping people and the planet. Eden’s mission is to help impoverished communities replenish the planet- by hiring local villagers to plant trees where they are needed most. Helping families help the planet! How cool is that?! It’s pretty dang cool.


And starting this month, with every item purchased from our website, you help plant two trees. 


Buying baby essentials = planting trees. Helping your family = helping the planet. 



When everyone helps out, the planet isn’t just turning, it’s thriving. Our kids don’t just wander around, they jump and dance and sing. And before you know it, golly. They’ve grown up to become incredible helpers, too.♡ And you’ve done a great job helping them along the way. 




Let’s help plant some trees! 


For more information on The Eden Reforestation Project and all their amazing missions, visit their website